
Where is the Fine Line?

        Push Yourself The Value:      We have all heard a variety of quotes that all circle back to the idea of pushing yourself. Push yourself to work harder, be better, be faster, be stronger, etc. This is a value that has been nailed into our heads since we were young.      Finding the Middle Ground:                         The Nook      Throughout the years, I have tried to find the fine line between pushing myself while simultaneously giving myself grace and listening to my body. The moral conflict I faced over the value "push yourself", started after I quit my sports. I realized what once fulfilled me no longer did. Yes, I could've stuck it out until my senior year and could've had four-year athlete on my college applications, but I chose to put myself first.      This is when I started to realize that there is balance between pushing yourself and taking care of yourself. Too much of a good thing is always a bad thing. When you push yourself too hard, you get bu